Most Popular Choice Electrosurgical Generator for Precision Surgical Procedures

Brand: Umy
MOQ: 1
Origin: China


Quick Info.

Power Source: Electric
Warranty: 1 Year
After-sale Service: Online technical support
Material: acrylic, metal
Shelf Life: 1 years
Quality Certification: ce
Instrument classification: Class III
Safety standard: None
Product name: Electrosurgical Generator
Electrosurgical Pencil: 5pcs
Electrosurgical Pad: 10pcs
Electrosurgical pad cable: 1pcs
Footswitch: 1set
Bipolar Forceps: 1pcs
Bipolar forceps cable: 1pcs
Packing: 64 *55*30cm

This electrosurgical generator is the most popular choice for precision surgical procedures, offering reliable performance and optimal power control. It provides both cutting and coagulation capabilities, making it ideal for a wide range of surgical specialties, from general to specialized surgeries. The generator ensures minimal thermal damage to surrounding tissues, improving patient outcomes and speeding recovery times. Its user-friendly design makes it easy to operate, enhancing the efficiency and precision of the surgical team. Upgrade your surgical toolkit with this trusted electrosurgical generator for consistent and accurate results.

The Specific Parameters

Power: 220V±22V, 50Hz±1Hz(110V±11V, 60Hz)

Operating frequency: a)Monopolar:512KHz b) Bipolar:1024KHz

Power rating: 1100VA±10%

Nine working modes:

– Mono-polar Cut

a) Pure cut:1W~400W( Load 800Ω)

b) Blend1:1W~300W(Load 800Ω)

c) Blend2:1W~200W(Load 800Ω)

d) Blend3:1W~150W(Load 800Ω)

– Mono-polar Coag

e) Spray Coag:1W~80W( Load 800Ω)

f) Forced Coag:1W~120W( Load 800Ω)

g) Soft Coag:1W~120W( Load 800Ω)

– Bipolar

h) Bipolar Coagulation: 1W~70W( Load 200Ω)

i) Bipolar Cut: 1W~120W( Load 200Ω)

– Power Consumption: ≤1100VA


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